Studio Yoon Seok-Hyeon

Studio Yoon Seok-Hyeon

Studio Yoon Seok-Hyeon was founded in 2019, following the designer’s graduation at the Design Academy Eindhoven. His design process follows a concept arrangement based on exploring a subject, in-depth research for materiality and sociocultural contexts. Hands-on practices such as drawing, model making and production are also fundamental elements of the studio. The designer is currently interested in materiality and sociocultural value of design objects.

Yoon enjoys revaluing materials and objects which are always around us. As a result, everyday surroundings often become the starting point for his projects. He observes and analyzes them. Then, he tries to link them to design, environment, society and industry. Each of his projects describes undiscovered issues from everyday life. “As a designer, I interpreted with my own perspective and create daily objects to support and enhance our lives” said Yoon.

Pieces by

Studio Yoon Seok-Hyeon

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