Shigeki Yamamoto

Shigeki Yamamoto

Shigeki Yamamoto studied interior design at the Osaka Sogo College of Design. Since moving to Germany in 2006, he trained as a carpenter and has focused on woodwork. Studio Shigeki Yamamoto was launched in Berlin in 2010.  He describes the concept behind is work as follows: “Everybody owns some kind of memorabilia – a souvenir from the last vacation or photos of friends and family. They often remind us of bygone events that are very precious to us. Even if we are not able to turn back the hands of time, it’s these objects that help us to bring back those enjoyable memories. To be precise: We don’t even have to choose memorabilia by ourselfs. How often do we encounter an object, a smell or a taste by sheer coincidence, that suddenly reminds us of something special. Furniture manufacturing has a similar meaning to me.

I want my furniture to cause a positive reaction. What exactly that is I can’t and I don’t even want to decide. Many people told me, that the way how I build my furniture remind them of their childhood construction kits. I never played with those kind of toys, but I can relate to it, when they say, that it brings back memories of being carefree and playful. Manufacturing my furnitures is like a game to me. I might draw a ruff sketch at the beginning, but the finished furniture rarely looks like I planned it in advance.”

Pieces by

Shigeki Yamamoto

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