Michele De Lucchi

Michele De Lucchi

Architect. Michele De Lucchi was a prominent figure in movements like Cavart, Alchimia and Memphis. He designed lamps and furniture for the most well known Italian and European companies and realized architectural project in Italy and abroad. His work has been exhibited in Europe, the United States and Japan. He was appointed Officer of the Italian Republic for services to design and architecture and has been nominated Professor at the Design Faculty of the Politecnico of Milan and Member of the Accademia Nazionale di San Luca in Rome.

He has recently realized a number of proejcts for the city of Milan: the pavilions for Expo 2015 (Padiglione Zero, Expo Center, Intesa Sanpaolo), UniCredit Pavilion in piazza Gae Aulenti and the installation for the Pietà Rondanini at the Ospdale Spagnolo at the Castello Sforzesco.

Pieces by

Michele De Lucchi

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