My current work explores various forms found in the Natural world and organic geometry. The symbol of the ‘Dot/Bindu’ represents the smallest possible mark, pure potentiality and the starting point from which all things arise The choice of gently bellied forms directly relate to the surface pattern Forms that evoke a visual, tactile and emotional response through the choice of form and the use of colour and pattern.
Two different clays, a smooth stoneware clay and Ming porcelain, depending on the scale of the intended piece The smooth stoneware clay for the ‘Bindu’.
The artist tends to work in series, not just to create variations on a theme but as an ongoing search for resolution to an original idea This approach allows for new directions and solutions to evolve in the development of forms and surface decoration The final firing process is still nerve wracking as each piece represents hours of intense but enjoyable concentration, so it is hugely satisfying when the results are good.
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